The Zenmuse L1/L2 integrates a Livox LiDAR module, a high-accuracy IMU and a camera with a 1-inch CMOS on a 3-axis stabilized gimbal. When used with Matrice 300 RTK and DJI Terra, the L1/L2 forms a complete solution that gives you real-time 3D data throughout the day, efficiently capturing the details of complex structures and delivering highly accurate reconstructed models.
DJI Zenmuse L1/L2 Solutions
The Zenmuse L1/L2 is DJI's first generation LiDAR system. When used with DJI M300 RTK and DJI Terra, the Zenmuse L1/L2 gives you real-time 3D data, efficiently capturing structures and delivering accurate models. This entry-level system is a low-cost solution for users who are entering the surveying market.
This hardware and software kit includes the DJI Zenmuse L1/L2, DJI M300 RTK drone, DJI Terra software, and TrueView LP360 software. The kit enables users to fly drone LiDAR missions using the customer’s L1/L2 base station. GeoCue’s LP360 software provides an integrated suite of software tools for exploiting data collected from the Zenmuse L1/L2.
Recommended Add-Ons: Metashape for LP360, StripAlign for LP360, TrueView™ Reckon Data Hosting Portal
This hardware and software kit includes DJI Zenmuse L1/L2, DJI Terra software, and TrueView LP360 software. This enables users to fly drone LiDAR missions using their own M300 RTK drone and L1/L2 base station. GeoCue’s LP360 software provides an integrated suite of software tools for exploiting data collected from the Zenmuse L1/L2.
Recommended Add-Ons: Metashape for LP360, StripAlign for LP360, TrueView Reckon Data Hosting Portal
GeoCue’s TrueView LP360 software provides an integrated suite of software tools for exploiting data collected from the Zenmuse L1/L2. This is for customers who already own a survey-grade L1/L2 base station, M300 RTK drone, or Zenmuse L1/L2 and now need a more comprehensive surveying workflow. For optimal surveying accuracy, GeoCue recommends and offers camera calibration at an additional cost.
Recommended add-ons: Metashape for LP360, StripAlign for LP360, TrueView Reckon Data Hosting Portal, Camera Calibration
LP360: Post-Processing for Guest Sensors
Key features of pairing TrueView LP360 with the DJI Zenmuse Z1:
Virtually manage calibration files
Process in PPK mode using most L1/L2 base stations
Automatically gather and download ephemeris files
Update EXIF tags
Create a photo package that feeds directly into Metashape (can be exported to Pix4D or Context Capture)
Eliminate bouncing between multiple applications with the addition of Metashape for LP360

Metashape for LP360
We have built interfaces directly into our drone mapping processing software - TrueView™ LP360, for driving both an embedded version of Metashape (Metashape for LP360), as well as the full GUI version of Metashape Professional. This design provides a seamless photogrammetric workflow for users of LP360 processing software.
Metashape for LP360 supports the generation of:
Block bundle-adjusted imagery improves the positional accuracy
Point clouds from imagery (“structure from motion”) – typically used in DJI camera workflows
StripAlign for LP360
Data can exhibit small geometric inconsistencies, especially when combining them from multiple flights. BayesMap StripAlign for EVO detects and corrects these errors via an application of sensor-specific mathematical modelling. LP360 is a fully automated process with no need for users to set project-specific “tuning” parameters or to move in and out of the LP360 processing environment – press a button and it works!